Seeing the Unseen: How MAE Helps Robot NavigationThe age of AI is here. Neural Networks (NNs) are transforming how we work, automating tedious tasks and making complex predictions that…Mar 4Mar 4
Visualizing Tkinter and PyGame in ColabI love Colab. It’s a great replacement of a machine with GPU for ML/DL researchers. All you need is a Google account, and you’re good to…Apr 18, 20215Apr 18, 20215
Explaining Deep Reinforcement Learning models with Linear Model U-TreesThe highly non-linear structure of deep learning (DL) models make them effective at learning difficult tasks like scene understanding…Apr 4, 20211Apr 4, 20211
On Local Interpretable Model-agnostic ExplanationsIn this blog post, I am going to give a quick overview of the Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanation (LIME) tool (paper and code)…Dec 26, 2020Dec 26, 2020
Neural Networks Mathematics and interpretationMy aim in this blog is to give some behind the scene/mathematical intrdiction to neural network.Dec 21, 2018Dec 21, 2018
Understanding what RNN learns: Part 2This post is next part of blog post at Medium (Part 1) and notebook at Part 1 notebook. Please make sure that you have gone through them as…Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
Understanding what RNN learns: Part 1This tutorial will take you through a basic understanding of the working of RNN. You can have a lok at Chris Olah’s blog on RNN to…Jun 18, 2018Jun 18, 2018
Keras Functional models: Few pointers for debuggingKeras is a high-level API over popular deep-learning frameworks like tensorflow, theano and CNTK. Although it is an excellent platform for…Feb 18, 2018Feb 18, 2018